Top 19 Use Cases of AR in Finance With Case Studies

Augmented reality (AR) is revolutionizing the way we interact with the world around us. This powerful technology superimposes digital information onto the physical world, creating a unique blend of reality and digital elements. The financial industry, traditionally known for its conservatism, is starting to embrace AR's potential to enhance customer experiences, improve internal processes, and gain a competitive edge.

This blog explores 19 compelling use cases of AR in finance, along with real-world examples showcasing how financial institutions are leveraging this innovative technology.

1. Interactive Branch Experiences: Imagine walking into a bank branch and using your smartphone to view real-time information about investment products displayed on brochures or product displays. JPMorgan Chase piloted such an AR experience, allowing customers to explore investment options with interactive 3D models and data visualizations. This not only enhances customer engagement but also empowers them to make informed decisions.

2. Remote Investment Advisory: AR can bridge the gap between geographically dispersed clients and financial advisors. Advisors can utilize AR tools to virtually "walk through" investment properties with clients, showcasing key features and potential renovations. This fosters a more immersive experience, even for remote consultations.

3. Fraud Detection and Risk Management: AR can equip security personnel with real-time data overlays to verify customer identities and documents during transactions. Imagine a system highlighting suspicious elements on a passport or ID card, aiding in fraud detection.

4. Gamified Financial Literacy Programs: Learning about personal finance can be tedious. AR can transform this process through gamified experiences. Imagine a mobile app that uses AR to overlay budgeting and saving challenges onto real-world scenarios, making financial literacy engaging and interactive.

5. Personalized Investment Portfolios: AR can create a dynamic visualization of a client's investment portfolio. By hovering their phone over a portfolio statement, clients can see an AR overlay displaying performance data, asset allocation breakdowns, and interactive charts.

Case Study: UBS

Swiss bank UBS implemented an AR solution that allows clients to visualize their investment portfolios. Clients can use their smartphones or tablets to view an AR representation of their portfolio, with each asset class depicted as a 3D object. This interactive experience fosters a deeper understanding of investment performance and diversification.

6. Streamlined Loan Applications: The loan application process can be cumbersome. AR can simplify this by allowing users to capture property details (dimensions, layout) through their smartphones. This data can then be integrated with the loan application, reducing manual work and expediting the process.

7. Real-Time Market Analysis: Imagine using your phone to view real-time market data overlaid onto physical stock market tickers or news displays. This can empower investors to make informed decisions based on the latest information.

8. AR-powered Insurance Inspections: The insurance claim process often involves physical inspections. AR can streamline this by allowing adjusters to remotely guide policyholders through the inspection process using video calls with AR overlays. This can highlight specific areas of damage for faster and more accurate assessments.

Case Study: Nationwide Building Society

Nationwide Building Society, a UK-based financial institution, partnered with an AR company to develop a remote video inspection tool. This tool allows loss adjusters to guide policyholders through the claim process via video calls with AR overlays. This reduces the need for in-person inspections, saving time and resources.

9. Enhanced Customer Support: AR can empower customer service representatives to provide more efficient and personalized support. Imagine a customer service rep using AR glasses to see what a customer sees on their mobile screen, allowing for better identification and resolution of technical issues within mobile banking apps.

10. Interactive Wealth Management Tools: Wealth managers can leverage AR to showcase complex financial products and investment strategies to clients. Imagine using AR to create a 3D model of a retirement plan, allowing clients to visualize future growth scenarios and adjust investment strategies accordingly.

11. Secure Document Verification: Financial institutions handle sensitive documents. AR can be used to implement security features where users can scan documents with their phones to verify their authenticity. This can help prevent fraud and protect sensitive financial information.

12. Personalized Risk Management Solutions: AR can be used to create interactive risk assessments for clients. Imagine an AR app that overlays potential financial risks (e.g., identity theft, market fluctuations) onto a user's financial dashboard, along with personalized mitigation strategies.

13. Gamified Credit Score Improvement Programs: Maintaining a good credit score can be challenging. AR can be used to create gamified experiences that educate users on good financial habits and incentivize them to improve their credit scores.

14. AR-powered Branch Training: AR can be used to create immersive training experiences for bank employees. Imagine new recruits learning about loan products and procedures by interacting with AR simulations of customer interactions.

15. Fraudulent Activity Detection in Real-Time: AR can empower security personnel to identify suspicious activity in real-time. Imagine an AR system that overlays information about known fraudulent transactions onto physical locations (e.g., ATMs) or suspicious individuals. This can enhance security measures and deter fraudulent activity.

16. Streamlined Regulatory Compliance: Financial institutions are subject to a complex web of regulations. AR can be used to create interactive training modules that explain compliance procedures and best practices to employees. Overlaying compliance checklists onto real-world scenarios can further enhance understanding and adherence.

17. Interactive Marketing Campaigns: AR can be leveraged for engaging marketing campaigns. Imagine financial institutions creating AR experiences that allow potential customers to virtually "tour" a new investment product or explore the benefits of a specific savings account. This interactive approach can grab attention and generate interest.

18. Data-driven Branch Optimization: AR can be used to collect valuable data about customer behavior within a branch. By tracking how customers interact with AR elements displayed on brochures or product displays, financial institutions can gain insights into customer preferences and optimize branch layout and product placement.

19. Immersive Customer Onboarding: The customer onboarding process can be daunting. AR can create a more engaging experience. Imagine new account holders using an AR app to virtually "walk through" the features of their new mobile banking app, with interactive tutorials and step-by-step guides. This can make onboarding faster, smoother, and more memorable.

The Future of AR in Finance

The use cases of AR in finance are constantly evolving. As AR technology continues to mature and become more affordable, we can expect even more innovative applications to emerge. Here are some potential future directions:

  • Integration with Blockchain: AR can be combined with blockchain technology to create secure and transparent financial transactions. Imagine using AR to verify ownership of assets or track the provenance of financial instruments.

  • Personalized Financial Planning: AR can be used to create personalized financial planning experiences. Imagine using AR to create a 3D model of a client's financial future, factoring in retirement goals, education expenses, and potential life events.


1. Is AR secure for financial transactions?

Security is a primary concern in the financial industry. While AR has the potential to enhance security measures through features like document verification, it's crucial to implement robust security protocols alongside AR applications to ensure data protection.

2. What are the challenges of implementing AR in finance?

Some challenges associated with AR adoption in finance include:

  • Cost: Developing and implementing AR solutions can be expensive.

  • User adoption: Encouraging customers and employees to adopt new AR technology takes time and effort.

  • Data privacy: AR applications collect data, so ensuring user privacy and data security is paramount.

3. How can financial institutions get started with AR?

Financial institutions can explore AR by:

  • Identifying specific use cases: Focus on areas where AR can provide a clear benefit, such as customer education or branch training.

  • Partnering with AR development companies: Collaborate with companies with expertise in developing secure and user-friendly AR solutions.

  • Conducting pilot programs: Test AR solutions on a small scale before full implementation.


AR is poised to revolutionize the financial industry. By offering a unique blend of the physical and digital worlds, AR can enhance customer experiences, streamline internal processes, and create a competitive edge. As the technology matures and adoption increases, we can expect even more innovative applications of AR to emerge, shaping the future of finance.